Sunday, September 2, 2007

Hospitality! Stronger! Simple...

Great day in the administration office today. WHOLE day! The open space hospitality area was BEAUTIFUL! Pleasant day. Got a chance to hear from different leaders. Amazing! Their lives are exciting! So open, so transparent. No little actions or little talks.

Pastors were cool too. Pastor Lia never stopped having some exciting actions. Pastor How is just so amiable. Can't wait for the next hospitality duty again! I'm glad I decided to commit my full day to Guest room hospitality today! Finally, I can say, I served wholeheartedly! ^_^

I'm stronger now, than where I've started. I've gain ability to choose. Thank God. Thanks Pastors. Thank you leaders! Thank you Maryse, Krystal, Bryan and many more! (Not convenient to name them la...) I'm stubborn enough to stick around for a life time! I'm thick-skin enough to face difficult people head on! I'm stronger than you think I am.

I'm a simple person. I'm very expectable. I don't know how to use little tricks. My brain is blocked against those tricks. Will never be able to catch it. I like, I say. I don't like, I also say, just that things are going upward now.

I don't play with people's emotions. Causing them to feel bad about themselves. Or attract attentions. Along the way, creating "???" in other christians' faith. I don't force my way through. Unless it's necessary. If it's blocked, than leave it. Now that I know it's all fake, it's brainless to keep feeling sorry.

Fake people... Just go and create your own scripts and dramas please.

I know that you're a sincere person. I'm not angry. I'm not upset. We all fail at times. I'm sorry that when I failed, I fail you too. You're still my friend. I still respect you. I'm attracted to sincerity! Sincere people makes me want to know them better ^_^

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Sing Hian
Hui Ling
Feng Xu
Jie Wei
Yi Ling
Zi Heng
Joanne Soh
Joanne Soh
Xin Jie
Chek Yeow
Yang Xin Yi
Horng Yu